There is no “one size fits all” for

How many times have you heard ‘do this and eat this’ so you can lose weight like me? I take a little different approach when it comes to workouts, nutrition, mindset, and so much more. I don’t care if you have hashimotos, gut health, food inflammation, or you’re on a post partum journey, or any other wellness journey. You wellness journey does NOT have to look or feel like anyone elses. Do you know what it DOES have to look like? It has to look and feel like success for YOU!

You have to find something that works for your life, your goals, that doesn’t cause ‘fight or flight’ responses when life happens, it has to be sustainable and not overwhelming, and it has to bring you JOY along the way.

I’ve been in wellness for awhile. People have proven time and time again that if it’s too hard or confusing, people won’t do it. They also show me that if it doesn’t work for their life, they won’t do it.

I teach and show people how to shift their time to CREATE opportunities for wellness, I share how to shift your mindset to a ‘can do’ attitude, all while linking arms and showing you how you can do it too.