Self & Skin Care for Hashimotos and Hypothyroidism
Self Care Isn’t Selfish
As a mom, in my 40s that has hashimotos and hypothyroidism, time for ME wasn’t something that I did often or that I thought I had time for. I often felt selfish because I was taking time for ME. But I quickly realized that taking care of me was setting me up to better take care of and serve others.
I wanted to implement a healing skin and self care routine, but I didn’t want to take hours away from my family. And I really just wanted to do it in the privacy of my own home.
I started implementing a self care Sunday routine. This is a day where I:
▪️ take an everything shower with my favorite aroma therapy shower bombs (I'm linking their Amazon store because they have numerous scents in their soaps and shower bombs)
▪️I apply my favorite face mask and collagen eye gels
▪️I take 3 minutes to use my 4 in 1 radiant skincare renewal wand that reduces wrinkles, inflammation, fine lines, and blemishes. I EVERYTHING from Solawave and know you won't be disappointed in anything you snag from them. If you know anything about red light therapy and inflammation, you know that this is EVERYTHING for your skin and face.
I know it doesn’t sound like a lot, but to me it’s EVERYTHING. It’s like starting your week with your best foot forward. With my best face forward. As someone who’s in my 40s, I’m trying to age gracefully while also doing simple things like using hand wands like this one that also are red light therapy (amazing for inflammation reduction with hashimotos) and so much more!
Some of my other favorite ways to do self care and pampering are lympathic massages (you can also do this at home with castor oil), dry brushing, temperature aversion (I do saunas occasionally, but have been using our home cold plunge more and more. Time has been a HUGE limiting factor for me in our busy season, but I know how important self care is for us with hashimotos and thyroid issues.
I prefer to do a lot of my skin and self care at home, but there are also other great spas that offer services too! Just be sure to focus on the things that will reduce inflammation and improve hormone balance.